
Remember there's no point to taking this quize unless you answer honestly.

I got a B. There's definitaly room for improvement.


Daughter of Eve said...

Wow, that's convicting. I got a C. Really bad. Some of the questions there wasn't exactly the right answer so I chose the CLOSEST, but that's no excuse. I sure could work on stuff. Good quiz, Madeline!!

Alena said...

I got a B and I thought the same thing as Lucy, the questions didn't have the exact answere I would have put. But it was a really good quiz. I for sure need some work on different areas of my life.

Lexi Lou said...

I got a "B" as well.

Christine said...

Actually, Kate posted this. Thanks, Kate. I got an "A" because, like Lucy said, some of the questions were not exactly applicable to me- I tend to be feeling a different way than I act (mostly because I tend to be on the shy side). I think I am definitely a fool, though, sometimes. That's why we need Jesus. :)